Antonia y Cleopatra (AyC) Cigars
The Antonia y Cleopatra (AYC) brand is well-known for offering affordable cigars with a wide range of flavor profiles. Antonio y Cleopatra Grenadier Natural Dark Minis are mild cigars perfect for novice or casual smokers. AYC also produces flavored cigars under the Wise Guy label, pleasing those who enjoy great taste at a low price.
Made in Cayey, Puerto Rico, these cigars undergo strict quality control and are machine-made using Cuban-seed tobacco. They come in various natural leaf wrappers and offer a smooth, mild taste suitable for any time of day. Available in different sizes, the cigars can be found in natural dark, maduro, and java-wrapped versions.
AYC has maintained popularity among new and casual smokers due to its consistent product quality. Over the years, AYC earned a reputation as one of the best low-end cigars worldwide. Their cigars are easy to enjoy and quickly become favorites among smokers.
The AYC Grenadier, a full panatela cigar, is wrapped in either a natural or dark tobacco leaf. AYC also offers the Grenadier in other forms like the Grenadier Light, which uses a lighter leaf, and the Grenadier Dark, which uses a bolder tobacco leaf. They also offer a special Java-grown wrapper for smokers who prefer a milder taste.
For quick smokes, Antonio y Cleopatra produces the AyC Grenadiers cigars, Whiffs, smaller cigarillos available in packs of six or boxes of 50. Additionally, the brand offers several flavored varieties of the AYC Grenadiers cigars for smokers seeking more variety.