Santa Fe
Santa Fe Filtered Cigars offer a popular alternative to cigarette smoking, favored by budget-conscious smokers. Available in regular, mild, and menthol variants, they come in packs of 20 cigarillos. Responding to consumer demand, the company also offers flavorful options like grape, peach, and strawberry.
Machine-rolled from the finest tobacco leaves grown in Santa Fe, New Mexico, these filtered cigars are cured and blended by top blenders in the country. This combination of tobacco and flavor creates a truly unique smoking experience. The filter enhances the overall quality by mellowing the smoke and eliminating harshness that many smokers encounter.
Ideal for those with busy lifestyles, these small filtered cigars are easy to store and take up less space than full-sized cigars, making them perfect for a quick smoke break. Pre-packaged in cigarette-like packs, they are convenient to carry to work or on vacation. With a variety of flavors to choose from, you can find the one that best suits your taste. Santa Fe Filtered Cigars deliver a delicious, mouthwatering old-fashioned tobacco flavor that satisfies your craving for a quick, enjoyable smoke.