Backwoods Cigarillos
Backwoods cigars, a popular brand of machine-made cigars. They stand out for their rustic appearance and rich, natural flavors. Altadis USA launched the brand in 1973, crafting these cigars with 100% natural tobacco fillers and wrapping them in aged broadleaf wrappers infused with various flavors. This combination creates a smooth yet bold smoking experience that attracts both casual smokers and long time smokers. Backwood flavors that have become a hot commodity due to Altadis relaunching them include Banana, Vanilla and Grape.
The brand’s signature rough-looking, unrefined appearance adds to its charm and has become synonymous with Backwoods. These cigars often appeal to those with an outdoorsy, adventurous lifestyle, perfect for smoking in a relaxed setting. With a wide range of backwoods cigars flavors like Honey, Sweet Aromatic, Dark Stout, Banana, and Honey Bourbon, Backwoods cigars offer something for every palate.