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Job Gummed Cigarette Papers, 24 Books of 24 Leaves


The JOB brand of cigarette papers is an extremely popular product in the world of cigarette rolling. They are manufactured by Republic Tobacco in Perpignan, France. The brand's iconic logo was designed by Alphonse Mucha in the late 1890s. It features a long-haired goddess holding a rolled cigarette. Mucha based the image on Michelangelo's Sibyls from the Sistine Chapel. The design was first published as a poster and later became a lithograph. Today, the JOB brand is owned by DRL Enterprises, Inc., which also uses the brand's rolling papers in its films.

The JOB brand of cigarette papers is known for their great taste and high-quality construction. These papers are available in various flavors and sizes. Some of them are flavored with tobaccos, while others are plain and are suitable for mixing with mild tobacco. The JOB brand of cigarettes is one of the best options for people who want a high-quality cigarette experience. Job rolling papers are available in sizes of 1.0, 1.25 and 1.5.